Thursday, October 18, 2007

Photo Laureates Photographer John Warton Defends Position on ...

As part of John Warton's evaluation of photographs at photo laureates, he has a basic rule: the photograph must speak for itself; regardless of the photographer, the equipment or the history of the shoot.

(PRWeb) January 15, 2007 -- John Warton actively works at reviewing and evaluating photography submissions for a photography association called photo laureates ( He sometimes reads skeptical comments in Internet forums, some from professional photographers, who sometimes doubt his ability to judge photographs. Amateur photographers also question his selection of photographs (some going as far as calling it a scam!) .


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Anonymous said...

Why has the site been suspended?

Anonymous said...

Excellent write up! Thanks

Unknown said...


Wanted to email you, but could not locate your email address on the blog. We have 2 cool widgets ( a slideshow widget and a content widget) which can help enhance site interaction and reader's experience. Please contact me at to know more.

Ashish Baldua

Anonymous said...

In my opinion if this john warton defends this unscrupules company he no better than the dirt bag companies he defends. In fact, I would go so far as to say he is not even a legitimate photographer and with qualification to judge anything but his devious nature.

Anonymous said...

anonymous said....

Someone should expose this company on my space or you tube. Those would be great places to let thousands of artists know that this guy and his company are nothing but a big fraud.

JimmySky said...

Be aware of Unfortunately I was a victim of a clever and money making scam.

These are facts that have happened to me, I have kept all evidence and can uphold my claims with living proof.
I’m a professional photographer, but wanted to get some recognition from somewhere serious on the web. As most photographers, you’d like to know if you’re doing a good job by showing others your work and getting critics to evaluate you.
After a brief search throughout the web, I found . Happy with my find, I signed up and entered an very nice photo that I took while in Brazil. A few weeks later I receive an email congratulating me and informing that I was chosen as a finalist in the 2008 photography competition. With all the hype if this email, I sent in a high resolution final for the book that was supposedly going to be published in.
One this was done, I received an email with options to pay for an award plaque, and pay more for a larger photo and biography. I did so, spending a total of about $ 160.00 for 1 large photo, 1 book (2008 photography awards) and 1 customized biography.
Once this was done, I was asked to wait from November 2007 all the way until April of 2008 to receive my award and the 2008 published book. So far, so good!
Finally after waiting even longer than the announced time, my package finally arrived on July, 10 of 2008. I was so happy, but puzzled when I opened the package. Nothing in the package was from, it was all from a place called “Photography Vibes – best of edition” but miraculously was exactly to the “T” of what I ordered from At the moment I brushed it off and went my merry way.
Being that everything did arrive, I was so proud of my award and being published in a book that completely blew off my first impression and went to show some friends my accomplishment!
Once I got there and showed various of my friends the award and photo, which, by the way was the only photo in the whole book that had its own page and the photo was larger than all the other ones in the entire book, and was the only photo that had its own biography (all the other biographies are small and in the last few pages of the book).
When I pulled out the award to show everyone, at first everyone was impressed, I was too!! But then one of my friend pointed out and said “Strange, I didn’t know that Snoop Dog and Notorious B.I.G. were into photography”, to which I replied, “what??”.
At this point everything started to go downhill, and show the true colors of what was really going on.
To my shock, embarrassment and disbelief, I saw my award signed by “Calvin Broadus, Director” and “Christopher Wallace, Coordinator”. Do those names ring any bells??
So, naturally, I went online to check this all out, sure enough, I came across 10 forums of people all saying the same thing… it’s a SCAM!!! At one point someone mentioned that they fell for it too, and when they figured it out, they saw that the page that was in the book was GLUED to another page at the binding. As curiosity got the best of me, I looked at my book, and sure enough, my photo was glued into the book as well.
At this point I was furious and needed to tell people about this. How can someone claim to be something wonderful, then turn around and make money off some ones biggest dreams and turn these dreams into ashes by faking everything and sending out a load of crap.

SherryBaby said...

jimmysky .we will get them.
I just got email saying I was a finalist for 2008 but I went online to check it out. I'm going to do nothing and see what happens . But I'm also going to report this scam to my aunt,who is a professional in the field and see what she advises. You can email me @

Anonymous said...

I am totally embarrassed to admit but they got me, I ordered the book, Photograpy vibes best of edition for 2008, My photo and page stand alone, nameing me as the featured photograper as the first page in the Nature section. My page was glued in, lol....lmao.... the page numbers dont even match up due to the addition of my page, my 5 year old would be a better editor. Needless to say, upon pointing this out to the photo laureates people and ever so nicely asking for a refund for my FRAUDULENT book, ALL email from them has stoped, and they wont reply to any of my numerous emails to them, (over 15) This is the biggest slap in the face rip off Ive ever seen.

SherryBaby said...

after refusing to pay them $ for their jackass photo challenge memebership--- these assholes send me a 30 day free trial to their bogus photo challenge. I keep sending them emails that im not paying.i think im pissing them off :)

Anonymous said...

This website is a big joke. I unfortunately also fell for their stupid scam. i bought the damn book (how stupid am I?)but i still am waiting for it. And then after finding out it was a scam I still used my already paid for membership to look at other photographers work and I enjoyed that. However, After submitting only 12 picture i got an letter from them saying that I was Nominated to the Laureates Society of Photography!!! Oh god I thought. Nice, except that it would cost me to join, and it was $236 for the entry level membership. Thankfully I was smart this time and told them where to put their membership. What a bunch of assholes. I'm happy their site is suspended. They suck! Please everyone be warned and don't fall for it.

Anonymous said...

I fell for the scam but after paying reconsidered and tried to cancel the order. Couldn't get it canceled, surprise. I got the book today and at first look it seems nice. But my photograph is glued in and is the only picture alone on the page. Also, the back side of the page is blank whereas all the other pages have photos on both side. There are no page numbers on any of the pages and on the front inside cover page where the copyright and publish date should they aren't. The book is published by photography vibes but I can not find a publisher so named. Not all winners get paid to have their photos published but no one has to pay to have them published. Should be a clue. I missed it!!!

Anonymous said...

My wife was so excited to receive this notification too. She had entered 4 pictures with 4 different email addresses. We realized it was a scam after I checked my email with the other 3 notifications. Needless to say it ruined her morning. She was all ready to send them the money. Thank you for posting this info.

Anonymous said...

My wife today also received the email soliciting $ for the 2008 book. She was of course very excited understandably, but we quickly checked out the info. The first giveaway was that we only had 3 days to decide if we wanted the book, and 2nd their site was non-responsive. A quick google led us here and read this blog, and then many others around the net. Sadly, I am sure many will continue to succumb to the high praise emails. My thanks to those that took the time to write up their experiences, you have helped others for certain with education and awareness.

Anonymous said...

Please note that it is the corporate practice of some competitors and/or professional photographers to issue defamatory statements about Photography Laureates in Internet forums in an attempt to harm our reputation as a leading publisher and community site catering to amateur and professional photographers.

As one of senior editors of the photo challenge and of photo laureates, we would like to cordially invite you to where you will see how we evaluate photographs. This will give you some live and real time hindsight as to how we go about evaluating photographs. If you do not like our work, we respect your opinion, but please come and see for yourself first. We would really like to interact with you over concrete photo shoots as opposed to impersonal forums. If you accept our invitation, we will be quite pleased to meet you on the photo challenge.

Anonymous said...

I have a rule when it comes to money, if they are appreciating my art and priting a coffee table book showcasing my photo, they must pay me to use my photo in their book. So, it was what I asked them and they never gave me a satisfactory answer. Since then I keep getting email with message like 'nominated for artist of the year', 'photographer of the year'.. blah blah blah. But, they dont forget to sell me their membership or other shit, so wherever I see I have to pay, I just close the browser. Seems like another scam, glad that I didnt got into this trap. Cheers

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

oh my GOD!
ijust received the book & THEN i read all the comments on here! i wish i had read them 9 months ago, BEFORE i paid nearly $100(AUS) for it!
nothing from photo laureates, just from a 'photography vibes' place. also, after reading this blog, i checked the page my photo was on, and yes, there is nothing on the other side, & it is merely stuck in!
i just want to warn everyone about photo laueates & this aweful scam... dont be fooled be the emails saying '... nominated for photographer of the year!' etc.

Anonymous said...

This is John Warton from Photo Laureates.

To sceptics not liking my work: please come and join to see how I evaluate photographs. Let us debate photography based on actual concrete reviews. Again, this is a community of amateur photographers so I am not expecting all photos to be publishable on National Geographic. I value originality and creativity.

Anonymous said...

I have just been invited (1st Dec 08) to join the club too, but with a basic membership of $49 or as a distinguished member for $89. Seems that the website has not been suspended....?


Anonymous said...

ok...I got an email from them to. But I did not pay. They need to be stopped.

Anonymous said...

I too received a e-mail stating the following:
The editorial team of Photography Laureates has conducted a detailed examination of the best photographs submitted to us in the last months. We have decided to publish in an Anthology the very best photographers and the most exceptional pictures we have encountered.

We would like to congratulate you for being selected for publication as part of our highly acclaimed Photography Anthology. As such, you are a finalist for the $6500 prize. As a Laureate and talented photographer, you now have access to several networking opportunities aimed at exposing you to the photography community.

Your photograph was selected out of hundreds of competing entries and you will be published along with other talented photographers.

I decided to look into it a little, working for the Department of Justice I have seen many scams.

I have one question, if my photograph was selected to be in this publication of "Best of 2008 Photo Anthology" would I find my photo in everyone of these publications or just the one I purchased.

If it is in only the one I purchased and appeared to be glued as others have stated, this would appear to be a scam.

Anonymous said...

"I decided to look into it a little, working for the Department of Justice I have seen many scams."

Please tell me if you know what can be done. I am sitting here reeling, having just run across your site three days after ordering a "2008 anthology" with one of my photos in it...

I think at least the U.S. Postal Service has some means of pursuing fraud through the mail. I don't have my copy yet, but I'd like to follow through with others of like mind. I'm feeling sick...

Anonymous said...

I received a book from a fried who has a "featured photo" (yes, it too is glued in) in the newest Photography Vibes. I had a feeling she had been scammed as I've run into these "contests" before and now this post confirms it. She ordered so many books for her friends and family to show off her accomplishment, I'm not sure I have the heart to tell her she's been scammed...

Anonymous said...

Olivia said .... Wow I can't believe it I got this book over a year ago and then my Mom got me the platinum membership for $139.00 for Christmas, I tried to enter another photo and they want another 59.99 to even begin can you imagine after paying $139.00. I then loked at my book and saw I also have a glued page. What a scam. My Mom is now trying to cancel the charge on her credit card, hopefully it will work.

Anonymous said...

In behalf of John Warton and as a senior editor of the photo challenge and of photo laureates, I would like to cordially invite you to where you will see how we evaluate photographs.
This will give you some live and real time hindsight as to how I go about evaluating photographs. If you do not like our work, I respect your opinion, but please come and see for yourself first.

Anonymous said...

I submitted a picture, just one, and was emailed the whole buy the book and join the club.....The picture i submitted wasn't my best, but it was my favorite. That sent up red flags for me right away. To John Warton and James Humphreies SHAME ON YOU. Glueing a picture on a page ia not "publishing"
I hope someone contacts the attoney general of your state. not only is that outright fraud, it is messing with peoples dreams. YOU SUCK!

SherryBaby said...

so.... After ignoring all the emails to buy the book,framed plaque, framed copy of my photograph and a personally signed pair of John Warton's underwear, I thought they would get it.

They didn't get it, they're repeating the whole scam ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

John Warton!!!!
I'm beginning to think you are a robot. Photographers ate to be paid for their work , not the other way around,GUY!!!!!!
You better cut the shit out ,pack up your rented office and leave North America.
Feel free to have one of your minions contact me via email

Kristine said...

This Photo Laureate scam is still going around. Last night my 12 y/o daughter recd an email that her photo was chosen too. (for the 2009 edition) She was SO excited! This was the first time she entered a photography contest and it really was a beautifully composed photo. I was so happy for her and hoping it would be real, because it would have been such a boost to her confidence and interest in photography. Instead its a real let down. What a stupid lesson for a kid to have to learn...

Anonymous said...

I too have just entered one of my photos to " Photo Lautreates" and I have been emailed on the 21st Jan 2009 to let me know that my photo has been choosen to be published in the Hard cover book... Since then I have been unable to contact them by email or access their site. " When will this type of scam stop?.

gshyam3k said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Just today, I got the same e-mail, and of course forward it to all family and friends, and a true friend replied with this web site....I'm so hurt! I was so exicited and my husband was so proud of I have to tell evryone is was a scam! at least they did not get our money, This John Warton can go to hell, he will be judged for his actions.

Anonymous said...

I'm really glad that I found this website, as I too, got the "magic" email. After reading the posts from John Warton, I think he might be a robot. He pretty much says the same thing in every post. He tells us to visit his other website, like that's going to convince people it's not a scam!

Lorna said...

I also got the same email but having been bitten by I view these things with some skeptisism and googled and found a number of sites like this. I am also an artist and had similar a couple of times to be entered in a 'who's who' book but first pay the $$$$$.
It should be the other way around. If it was a legitimate business they would pay the photographer/artist/poet whoever and make their living honestly by selling genuine bonafide books.

Kevin O'Connell Fine Art said...

I have been told I am a finalist last year and then again this year for the same image. Thank god for google, I did nothing. They just wont stop with these annoying e-mails to buy something. Lets forget all the book scams and other crap they keep asking for, what I want to know is, has anyone won the 6,500 or any other awards. Isnt That why we entered this contest to begin with.

gshyam3k said...

Dear friend, ARTIST

This photography contest is simply Scam. One day I got Email that i won 6500 dollar. But then I found that I have to buy first the book for some price by paying in prior. I replied them that, AFTER I WILL GET MY WINING, I WILL PAY FOR THE BOOK. But they say, IT IS NOT OUR POLICY. I searched on google afterwards and I found the truth behind this scam.
So I will just say it's nothing else rather than a SCAM SCAM SCAM.

I am going to POLICE to inform about this SCAM.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why I would have to pay for a book with MY PHOTO in PLEASE if you are not a scam explain that to me......

Justin Leone said...

John Wharton, we are not questioning or complaining about your ability to analyze and discuss photographs... Not because we think you're anything special, but because WE DO NOT CARE. You're a scam artist, plain and simple, and for that alone, you lose any and all credibility you might have had. You forfeited it in order to scam a lot of people out of their money.

Anonymous said...

i too got an email saying i had been chosen and that i had to buy a book for $69 with my picture published. luckily i did not want the book so no money was lost but now i want my picture off thier website ! when i signed up for phot laureates they did not have a complete terms of service section just a couple lines.i am sooooooo glad i found this page it just confirms its a SCAM and John Warton should burn in hell if you have information on how to delete your picture from the website please post here .....

Thomas A. LeClair said...

Got my second email off them today, too bad they have been able to scam so many and drive false hope in to peoples hearts. what an ass for coming to this site and trying to talk his way out of it. I'm sure his name aint John and I'm sure more than one person is hoping to find him in a dark ally some night

Dear xxxxxx,

I have the pleasure to let you know that our Editorial Team has nominated you, xxxxxxx as one of the few photographers to be eligible for membership within the Exclusive and Private Laureates Society of Photography.

After reviewing and debating your photography, we believe that you will be able to contribute significantly to events and activities within our Exclusive Photography Society.

Our World renowned Photography Society identifies, awards and promotes new Photography Talent.

xxx, you have here a truly unique and exciting opportunity to develop your photography artistry, meet photographers and get known.

Based on your photography submissions, our editors all agreed that you have the talent and skill set required to be successful within our Society. Do not miss out on this opportunity.

xxxxx, becoming a member will open the door to immediate benefits. You can choose from 3 different membership levels, as a function of your photography requirements. Click Here to learn more.

An Exclusive and Private Society that will Benefit You

xxx, not everybody has the privilege to join our Exclusive Society. We maintain a strong reputation and strong standards for recognizing and promoting new photography talent.

Thanks to your membership, your photography will be accessible by tens of thousands of reviewers from all over the world. You will get international recognition by Joining the Laureates Society of Photography

Come and Join us in Orlando!

As a member, we will also send you an invitation to our Yearly Convention where you will meet with fellow members as part of Networking Sessions and Educational Workshops. You will also have the opportunity to meet and discuss with several leading National Geographic and Times photographers!

We will award cash prizes, including a $6500 grand prize. As a member, you will have a chance to win your share of these cash prizes.
xxx, by Joining the Laureates Society of Photography, you will gain new perspectives on your photography artistry and meet the right people. We know that this is a great opportunity in your quest to Master Photography and to get recognized.

We trust that we will soon have the pleasure to see you Join in as a New Member and will see you soon at one of our annual conventions.
Click here to Discover the 3 different membership levels

I offer you my best regards and considerations,

John Warton
Senior Editor and Chairman
Laureates Society of Photography

P.S.zzz, this is a limited time offer as we only accept a limited number of new members. We advise you to join now as the 2009 member recruitment season is about to expire. There will be no other opportunities. Your benefits will start immediately as part of one of the most respected Photography organizations in the world: the Laureates Society of Photography

gshyam3k said...

For me, I am getting such fu*king email once in 10-12 days.
What da f**K !

Anonymous said...

It seems you are all correct in re to the things you have been saying, for I also received the same email congratulating me and so on and including the offer to purchase their PIN, and Special Offer re having your photo done on Canvas and was a limited time offer and will be discontinued or some crap. Well, I fell for all the B.S. and purchased the PIN, the BOOK, the PHOTO to be as a painting on Canvas, I have yet to receive the Canvas painting nor have I received the New Publication of the PHOTOGRAPHY BOK which will include my BIOGRAPHY & PHOTO they chose. I have sent email messages asking where are the items and only receive same response over and over saying the BOOK is still in publication but nothing is mentioned of the Canvas Painting, however I just received the PIN purchased months ago.

I would like to thank all of you for your comments and for finally opening my eyes to the truth. I had suspected wrongful doing on their part but thought they wouldn't be that stupid or ballsy to do this to professional Photographers, etc., NOW, you have confirmed what I have been feeling, thank you so very much! How does one get back the money paid to them for things never received, anyone can help me with any information, please?


Anonymous said...

I too fell for this lovely scam of here is a book with your picture in it. Man I feel like a big joke. First scam I've ever been in. Wish I could sew!!!

Anonymous said...

i got the email too. i was so excited. man this stinks. i cant believe i fell for it, it is pretty suspicious. and for a minute there i though i was a good photographer :-( oh and that john warton guy says the same thing in every blog, i have been reading them. its a fake.

William Sipe said...

I really like your blog, it's full of great content. Check out my site, especially my photo gallery and please feel free to comment on any of the pics.



Anonymous said...

A COMPLETE SCAM. I just received an e-mail after entering a photo about a month ago. Says I won and I'll be published in the 2009 book. Bullcrap. NO one believe this scam. Thank you to all who have wrote so you saved me from the waste of money and excitement I had. They are now using boulevard of photographers as the name. I hope they get caught.

Anonymous said...

I just received an e-mail after entering a photo about a month ago. It said that I won and I'll be published in the 2009 book. I was so happy that I was going to be published in a book. After my excitement died down some I thought about the fact that they wanted me to buy the book, not give me one for free or pay me anything for my photo.After doing some research I found you all and boy am I glad that I did!!! They are now using boulevard of photographers as the name.I hope someone stops them from scamming innocent people!

Anonymous said...

I think the fact that they don't have a proper address in their contact (no zip or postal code of any sort), the fact that half their web-site doesn't work, and the fact that when you post a photo up on their web-site they don't even have the common courtesy to put the proper copyright year next to the photo... that says something about their company.

This is what happens when people with no talent in the art field try to make money... they find ways to scam the ones who do know what they're doing.

If anyone knows the real identity of this John person, please do the art world a favor and post his name, address, and mugshot if possible.

Anonymous said...

I as well recieved the same email stating I was published in the 2009 book. Then I saw a list of prices for the book and other FAKE shit. They told me I will be published if I give permission. Then I emailed them asking if it was a gimmick to buy the book. Theu said, no, that I was published in the book, so if I want to see it then I have to buy the book. Then I replied saying that at first they said I would be published if I gave permission, then they said I was already published. They contradict themselves. So not only are they a scam, but they are pretty stupid too. I think it is horrible what they do! Getting people excited about getting recognized for their work, then finding out it was all fake.

Anonymous said...

i also got an email, i didnt pay any money but i did give them permission to publish. should i email bake and revoke my permission?

Anonymous said...

I am truly sadden to here that so many people have been scammed by this company. When I first started out in photography I also wanted to be noticed for my work and like everyone else I sent in a photo to these person/people as well and got the same email about being the photography of the year and how to buy this book. However, no matter how much I wanted to finally be published, I thought that it was rather strange for me to send in money to be published. If I am so great at photography then I should not have to pay a dime for it. What throws me off the most is that I sent the same photo to Digital Photo Pro Magazine and even though I didn't have to buy a book or membership that same photo was (along with my other work) has been featured in their online gallery for almost a year now. I would have never looked this site up if I didn't forget the name since I wanted to post this on my resume as one of my acomplishments. What's even funnier is that since I did not buy anything from Photography Laureates I haven't seen an email from them in a,most 8 months. These people suck!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

is a real site? or this also another scam?

Anonymous said... has a clone site at Same company, different name.

Anonymous said...

Just Received an E-Mail from=Boulevard of Photographers = saying I was choosen as a FINALIST = BEWARE SAME SCAM = as others! Request to Publish my Photo, and THEN BOOK OF ANTHOLOGY, PLAQUE, ETC>ETC>ETC>>>

Anonymous said...

I have just read all your comments and have to say that it really sucks that you all got scammed out of your cash. I came across the "Boulevard of Photographers" site a few minutes ago, but it all seemed phony to me, so I typed Boulevard of Photographers in another search engine to see what cam up and found this blog and forum. Reading all your comments has confirmed what I suspected.
There is a lot of this crap going on in my country at the moment (as in all countries I am sure). I have done some research on this and as some of you have already alluded to there is no John Warton and whatever his partner in crimes name is. It is a syndicate which probably runs hundreds of other scams on the internet simultaneously. Sorry to point out one country, but most of these scams can be tracked to Nigeria. These people are so cold that they even have the audacity to put a comment on this forum - the link they have supplied is most definately also a trap - once you click on the link they have access to your computer as long as you are on the net (and do not have good enough security for your computer) - they then search your computer for anything useful, bank details, personal details that they can use for identity fraud, etc.
Go look up 'advance fee fraud' on wikipedia, a lot of info. Maybe we should all become scam baiters.
I was thinking of opening a group called "xxxxxx(my name) photography' but have been told that this is not a good idea as Facebook then has rights to use your photo's without your consent. Not sure if this is true, need to read the terms and conditions. Any suggestions.
Like all you guys I also want my photo's to be seen and recognized.

Anonymous said...

Well, that sucks that John Warton is such a thief! Does anyone know of any valid photo sites/contests?

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh! Here I thought I was a great photographer too and just two weeks ago, I received an email saying that my photo was chosen to be on the Boulevard 2009 Photography Anthology. I paid $139.00 for the book and the plaque. Do I feel like an idiot after reading this blog. I haven't received the book or plaque yet, but is there anyway I can stop and get my money back?

Anonymous said... is a scam... if you don't receive your order within 3 months report them to your credit card company to get your money back. These people will send you very promising emails within that time frame but don't fall for it bec. credit card company can not help you anymore after 3months.

Unknown said...

I entered a photo of my son in this contest and i too received an award email. I was so excited and ready to pay whatever the cost to see my baby published in this book. So glad that his dad suggested we google search this company! Such a scam!!! Wish I could get my photo back!

Unknown said...

They are now scamming people under the name Boulevard phototography

Unknown said...

I have also been scammed. Purchased book in December '08 and told I would receive my book by May '09.

What about a class action lawsuit? They should not be getting away with this.

Joe. said...

I thought it was pretty obviously a scam, although my condolences to those who were unaware. They have changed their name, as 'Allison' posted. He changed his name too ... kind of ...
John Ingel
Senior Editor, Boulevard of Photographers.

good grief.

Joe. said...

p.s you can unsubscibe from their emails. At the very bottom of your email there should be a link to do this. I just unsubscribed, but we'll see if THAT stops them from annoying my inbox ...

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Anonymous said...

Hi Guys, I to sent in a photo and received the mail to pay for a book! lucky I smelled a fish and googled this site up. thank you so much for all the info, and no matter how this experience made you feel, don't give up hope on thinking your not a good or even great photographer. people like this will get their karma one way or the other! if I had half a chance and backing I would start this up legitimately and give you all the chance to be a star! assh--les!!!
good luck everyone and keep persueing your dreames, you all now have good karma points to work with!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

I am having so much fun and excitement. Thanks goodness I don't have money at the moment but I was willing to pay... then a few weeks later, my other entry came with the same announcement. This can't be true, right? (I know I am a promising photographer LOL) but I am not buying a book for each photo I submit. I was just going to ask my husband for fees until i ran over this page. OMG!!! thank you so much. But check out their real site...i hope. they'll make you feel better and help you progress in the field.
And yes I found out they have little outlets to collect all kinds of photos.

Anonymous said...

Why in God;s name do authorities leave such criminals at large? They should get caught at once and locked up for bad intent: wanting to reap off unsuspecting people. O my God, after reading these comments, I escaped like a bird from the hand of the fowler!

kentukei said...

I do not know how to thank you for these postings. They have openned the eyes of many of the likes of me. Someone though, tel me where to find genuine people to exchange pics with, I am not interested in winning any prizes, only want to share my talent. As for these John Warton fellow, to hell with him.

jc said...

Photo Laureates™

Limited Time $39 Christmas Gift Special
Hard Cover Manuscript Featuring the Photograph of
Expires on December 19th 2009 (delivered by Christmas)

Dear ,
thanks for the warning this today and also had a real letter in july

We have chosen to publish your photograph in the 2009 Christmas edition of the Photography Laureate manuscript. Your photograph was selected out of a very high number of entries. John Warton, our senior editor, appreciated your work.As a contest finalist and for a Limited Time Christmas Special, enjoy the manuscript for only $39 (regular price is $69, you save 43%). This offer expires on December 19th and the next contest will only be in 2010.

Anonymous said...

Wow wish I would of read this before I ordered the book.I am such an idiot!!!!I think they change there name often it was boulevard of photographers?

Jesspeterson said...

Figured BoulevardofPhotographers was a scam, and guess I was right.

Sad because you can't trust anyone.

So many scammers out there. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

It agree, the remarkable information

Anonymous said...

What a scam - i have threatened them with breach of copyright (just to make me feel good) i notice all the response's from this mob to comments in the blogs are still inviting you to go only to places you have to PAY for to gain access!! I have gone through the same as the rest but luckily did an internet search and found this site before i paid !!!!!!

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EMAS said...

I was sent this email too. Ill paste it below:

"Dear XXX,

The editorial team of Boulevard of Photographers regularly examines photographs submitted by professional and amateur photographers from all over the world.

We publish in an Anthology the photographs that we particularly like.

We are pleased to notify you that your photograph Backyard Sunset has been selected for publication. To see how Editor John Warton reviews photography, please log onto There you will see hundreds of reviews and will be able to get his direct, personal feedback on your photo.

Kindly reply to this email if you give us your permission to publish or if we shall withdraw your photograph.

We would like to congratulate you for being selected for publication as part of our highly acclaimed Photography Anthology. You now also have access to several networking opportunities aimed at exposing you to the photography community.

To recognize and reward selected photographers, we have established $6500 in prizes to be awarded at the sole discretion of our editorial team, based on merit. Should you be selected for prizes, we will notify you immediately.

Your photograph, Backyard Sunset, was selected ...

.. and will be published (with your permission) in our acclaimed "Best Of 2010 Photography", Deluxe, 8.5" X 11", Hard bound, 300 pages Special Edition anthology.


XXX: This special edition will feature You as a Photographer with Your Biography

For a limited time, Click Here to enjoy this exclusive Anthology featuring your Photograph, for only $69(€53, £48). Please note that this offer expires on Apr-15-2010 (or until stocks expire).

XXX, there is of course no obligation to order but kindly note that orders are supporting us and the review team and allow us to keep on running the contest and publish books for the amateur photography community every year. We could not do so without your support due to the high costs involved. Thanks for your understanding.


Again, congratulations, XXX: the Best of 2010 Photography is our most beautifully crafted hard bound Anthology. It features beautiful Photography artistry. We are proud to publish you as part of this talented and exclusive group of photographers. Your contribution to this project is greatly appreciated.


John Ingel
Senior Editor, Boulevard of Photographers

P.S. 1 - XXX, it goes without saying that you strictly retain all copyrights for your work.

P.S. 2 - XXX, for help, support and enquiries, please feel free to contact Sol, our customer service manager at . Your customer ID is 311579.

P.S. 3 - Refund Policy
• If product has not been delivered within 6 weeks: 100% will refunded ,
• If product has been damaged (need to email a photo proof to ), 60% of the value of the product damaged will be refunded.

XXX Click Here to receive your Deluxe, Hard Bound, 300 pages, Best of 2010 anthology. You are Published in it. Congratulations."

Annoying isn't it :p it just keeps repeating the same things. I became suspicious when I realised it was sent to me like three days after I submitted the photo. I'm pretty sure it takes more than three days to go through thousands of photos and pick the best to put in a book. That's when I typed "Boulevard of Photographers Scam" into Google and guess what I found... You know the rest :) What a bunch of cheep-arse bastards!! All in favour of making our own site where we can all put our photos and admire them :) and of course warn EVERYONE about this stupid SCAM, say "I"!!!!!

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Anonymous said...

shame on you, warton. to bank off peoples dreams and giving false hope is an unforgivable offense. you are the scum of the earth. i hope a crate full of these books fall on you and crush your soulless body. (and not immediately killed, but slowly suffer by choking on your own fecal matter that has made its way up into your throat.) you are a liar and a fraud. i wish terrible things upon you.

digidesignsbyamberbaz said...

i want to know how to get in contact with that stupid site and john warton. the email address on the site doesnt work and i want my photo removed. when i entered a few yrs ago and found out that its a scam i emailed and they promised to remove it from the site but now it is back up and for sale which is bs since it is my photo. any help would be much appreciated

ebril said...

I keep having emails from this Boulevard Photography telling me they want too publish my work - even though I sent them the crappiest picture ever, and as a photographer there is no way Im paying to have my work published myself - if they want to publish my work they should 'be paying me' - this company should be stopped from being able to use this 'SCAM' and hope they can sleep at night - prove your a genuine company and send me the book and certificate for free (a genuine copy not pasted in) or give us the ISBN number of your other books and I will personally go to a bookstore and see if you have any published books around - will you take up the challenge - doubt it very much - another thing too if I see my picture published anywhere I will sue

Anonymous said...

Thank you all so much for your comments because of you I won't be a victim to this scam.

Anonymous said...

Thank you everyone for your warnings...I just received the same email today... Luckily, I thought I would google previous books to get an idea before I pay out any money, I stumbled across this and soon crushed me but at the same time made me thankful for people like yourselves who have been ripped off and are warning others like me...thanks heaps guys...

Anonymous said...

I sent them a photo of a dog and blacked oit the head, guess what? Yep, they want to publish it and sell me a book. LOL what a joke! Dont waste your $$$$$ SCAM ALERT!

Anonymous said...

BTW, John Warton is a FAKE NAME. This guy is not even a smart crook. LMAO

Anonymous said...

Like everyone else here, I did receive a notification that my entry was selected and be published. Sent several emails but never got replied. Still I proceeded to hopefully order that book but when my order didn't get thru, I sensed something I searched for reviews and I found this blog. And thank you all for the info. But how come they are still operating? How can we stop others and not get victimized of their scam? Just wished that beautiful foto they already got from me will be damaged & not usable for their benefit!

Anonymous said...

thank you for saving me the trouble. Where are the legit sites?

Unknown said...

i got a pictore accepted to but can not login to them

Unknown said...

i got a picture accepted to however i can not reach them i have not ordered any thing thank god for u all i hate scams joan

Sydney Photographer said...

Excellent stuff.

Sherry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I also entered in a photograph through this website, looking very ligit, and recieved an e-mial a few months after entering my photograph saying the exact same things as everyone has listed above. Such a let down, but this sight was through Boulevard of Photographers, run by John Warton too.$39 for my photograph to be published in a book and extra for a placque and biography. How can this still be happening after so many years?

Anonymous said...

the photo challenge thing smelled fishy and wrong; i almost fell for it @@ good thing i looked it up on the internet.

Anonymous said...

yup, received my exceiting email today that my photo was chosen but quickly I have been disappointed! Im glad I dont have the 89.00 to purchase a book, and lucky to be able to find a ton of comments from photographers who have been duped! Unbelieveable!!! That they can GLUE our prized photo in a generic book!!! Such a shame. They should try to do it legit and sell the books to book stores, etc.

cruisn31 said...

Today, 6-22-2011. Got the same BS, your photo has been chosen. I don't recall submitting my photo to them. I did submit a few photo to a magazine a few months back. However I sent visa payment for 1 book, but about 2 hours later contacted my visa card and advised them. Currently pending. I feel like such a D.A. oh well at least now I know and will post warnings about this on my two websites.


Anonymous said...

if you don't want to be screwed for $69 for the book with your picture pasted in, just wait a couple of weeks and they will email you a price drop and only screw you for $39.

Anonymous said...

I received the same from them Blvd of Photographers...first asking for $69.00 a couple weeks later asking for $ unreal.

I am a serious Photographer.

Darmela said...

I too was a victim of this scam. Shame on me for not doing my research first. Hopefully others will find this blog before ordering the fake book. They need to be jailed for fraud. I'll keep posting as many warnings as possible in the hopes it saves someone else the money and the hassle.

Anonymous said...

Thankyou all for your comments. I entered my 8yr old daughters beautiful photo she took on a crappy cheapo camera and got the same letter as everyone else has. We also were very excited etc then My husband said the website looked sus. I investigated further when I realised I would have to pay for the plaque. The book was one thing but paying for your own award? I think not!!! Needlessto say they are not getting my hard earned money.I may put it to good use and make my own photo book for her through Blurb or some other legit company.I sent them an email expessing my discust and stating they do not have permission to publish the photo (not that they would) and tha I hope to neve hear from them again.

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